

A diverse range of substances transform into an amorphous solid (glass)  when cooled from a high temperature fluid state to temperatures below the freezing point (supercooled). Polymeric glasses, metallic glasses, chalcogenide glasses, in addition to oxide glasses, are some examples of well studied and technologically important types of glasses. Corresponding to the diversity of glass formers, their glass transition temperatures, structural relaxation properties in the liquid state, mechanical properties in the glass, glass forming ability, etc, also show a large diversity. Even while many fundamental issues concerning glass formers remain open, the necessity to organize the vast body of empirical knowledge about glass formers is ever more pressing. An organizing principle to rationalize the properties of glass formers, and thereby seek a fundamental understanding of their behavior has been the notion of fragility. The fragility of a glass forming liquid quantifies the rapidity of the rise of its viscosity as the glass transition temperature is approached. As a fundamental material property, the ability to predict, or at least rationalize, the fragility of a substance is an important challenge. Despite studies by many groups over many years, a conclusive statement about the origin of fragility of glass formers (or in general, liquids at low temperatures)  is yet to be formulated. However, the relationship between fragility and material properties such as the microscopic structure, nature of intermolecular interactions, composition, mechanical attributes such as the Poisson ratio, etc, have been probed by many workers. In view of the importance of the concept of fragility, and its topicality, a symposium is proposed on this theme, of three days’ duration.

Programme Description

It is proposed to have a relatively small focused meeting, lasting 4 days, from January  5 – 8, 2014, at JNCASR, Bangalore, under the sponsorship of ICMS, JNCASR and TCIS, TIFR, Hyderabad.  This meeting will bring together about 25 invited speakers who are experts on structural relaxation in supercooled liquids and glasses, and have made important contributions to the study of fragility. The contributions by such speakers will be sought ahead of the meeting, and will be put together as a thematic special volume or book. In addition, the meeting will be open for participation and contributed talks/posters.

Symposium on Fragility Special Volume

A special volume on fragility is being brought out, as part of the TEXTS and READINGS in PHYSICAL SCIENCES (TRiPS) SERIES of the Hindustan Book Agency.The contents may be found here.


To register for the symposium please fill up the Online Registration Form. Registration is open till the time of the meeting for participation, and poster presentation (but poster abstracts will not be included in the abstract book beyond Dec 15, 2013). .The registration fee is Rs. 3000/-. which can be paid either via bank transfer or in person at the symposium.


Rajesh Ganapathy
International Centre for Materials Science
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Jakkur Campus, Bangalore 560064, India
Phone: +91 80 22082572
Email: rajeshg@jncasr.ac.in
URL: http://www.jncasr.ac.in/sml
A. Lindsay Greer
Head of Department
Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy
University of Cambridge
Pembroke Street
Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK
Email: alg13@cam.ac.uk
Kenneth F. Kelton
Arthur Holly Compton Professor in Arts & Sciences
Professor of Physics
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Physics, Campus Box 1105
Washington University
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, Missouri  63130
Phone: 314-935-6228
FAX  : 314-935-6219
Email: kfk@wuphys.wustl.edu
URL : http://physics.wustl.edu/people/kelton_kenneth-f
Srikanth Sastry
TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
21 Brundavan Colony,
Narsingi,Hyderabad 500075
Phone: 040 2419 5005
Email: sastry@tifrh.res.in

(On lien from)
Theoretical Sciences Unit
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Jakkur Campus, Bangalore 560064, INDIA
URL: http://www.jncasr.ac.in/sastry

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