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Front Matter

1The Fragility of Glassforming Liquids: Thermal vs. Athermal Systems, and Kinetic vs. Thermodynamic Origins

C. Austen Angell

1-1: Strong and Fragile Liquids

C. A. Angell


Reprint 1-2: A Thermodynamic Connection to the Fragility of Glass-forming Liquids

L.-M. Martinez and C. A. Angell


Reprint 1-3: Direct Determination of Kinetic Fragility Indices of Glassforming Liquids by Di erential Scanning Calorimetry:Kinetic Versus Thermodynamic Fragilities

L.-M. Wang, V. Velikov and C. A. Angell


2 An Assessment of the Concept of Fragility

Gilles Tarjus and Christiane Alba-Simionesco


Reprint 2-1: Temperature Versus Density E ects in Glassforming Liquids and Polymers: A Scaling Hypothesis and Its Consequences

C. Alba-Simionesco and G. Tarjus


Reprint 2-2: Consequence of Excess Con gurational Entropy on Fragility: The Case of a Polymer-Oligomer Blend

C. Dalle-Ferrier, S. Simon, W. Zheng, P. Badrinarayanan,T. Fennell, B. Frick, J. M. Zanotti, and C. Alba-Simionesco


Reprint 2-3: Nonperturbative Effect of Attractive Forces in Viscous Liquids


L. Berthier and G. Tarjus



3Entropy and Relaxation Time


Jeppe C. Dyre



Reprint 3-1: A Brief Critique of the Adam-Gibbs Entropy Model


J. C. Dyre, T. Hecksher and K. Niss



4Fragility and other Properties of Glass-forming Liquids: Two Decades of Puzzling Correlations

Alexander L. Agapov, Vladimir N. Novikov and Alexei P. Sokolov



5Angell Dynamics of Liquids


Takeshi Egami



6From Boiling Point Down to the Glass Transition { Dynamics of Molecular Liquids Described by a Generalized Angell Plot

Bernd Schmidtke, Nicolaus Petzold, Max Fl•amig and



Ernst A. R•ossler



7Kinetic, Thermodynamic, and Adam-Gibbs Fragilities


Srikanth Sastry and Shiladitya Sengupta



Reprint 7-1: The Relationship between Fragility, Con gurational Entropy and the Potential Energy Landscape of Glass-formingLiquids


S. Sastry



Reprint 7-2: Dependence of the Fragility of a Glass Former on the Softness of Interparticle Interactions


S. Sengupta, F. Vasconcelos, F. A ouard and S. Sastry

8Fragile-to-Strong Crossovers in Water, Silica and other Tetrahedral Liquids

Peter H. Poole


Reprint 8-1: Fragile-to-Strong Transition and Polyamorphism in the Energy Landscape of Liquid Silica

I. Saika-Voivod, P. H. Poole and F. Sciortino

9Reprint 9-1: Liquids more Stable than Crystals in Particles with Limited Valence and Flexible Bonds

F. Smallenburg and F. Sciortino

10Prediction and Observation of Two Dynamic Crossovers in Hydration Water Allows the Reconciliation of Simulations and Experiments

Valentino Bianco, Marco G. Mazza, Kevin Stokely, Fabio Bruni, H. Eugene Stanley and Giancarlo Franzese

Reprint 10-1: More than One Dynamic Crossover in Protein Hydration Water

M. G. Mazza, K. Stokely, S. E. Pagnotta, F. Bruni, H. E. Stanley and G. Franzese

Reprint 10-2: Effect of Pressure on the Anomalous Response Functions of a Con ned Water Monolayer at Low Temperature

M. G. Mazza, K. Stokely, H. E. Stanley and G. Franzese

11 Diering Temperature Dependencies of Isobaric and Isochoric Heat Capacity of Water below 0 C

Shinji Saito, Iwao Ohmine and Biman Bagchi

Reprint 11-1: Frequency Dependence of Speci c Heat in Supercooled Liquid Water and Emergence of Correlated Dynamics

S. Saito, I. Ohmine and B. Bagchi

12Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Fragility of Bulk Metallic Glass Forming Liquids

Ralf Busch, Zach Evenson, Isabella Gallino and Shuai Wei

13Exploring the Origin of Fragile-to-Strong Transition in Some Glass-Forming Liquids

Yuanzheng Yue and Lina Hu

Reprint 13-1: Fragile-to-strong Transition in Metallic Glass-forming Liquids

C. Zhang, L. Hu, Y. Yue and J. C. Mauro

Reprint 13-2: Thermodynamic Anomaly of the Sub-TgRelaxation in Hyperquenched Metallic Glasses

L. Hu, C. Zhou, C. Zhang, and Y. Yue

14Why Glass Elasticity A ects the Thermodynamics and Fragility of Supercooled Liquids

Le Yan, Gustavo D•uring and Matthieu Wyart

15Reprint 15-1: A Direct Test of the Correlation between Elastic Parameters and Fragility of ten Glass Formers and their Relationship to Elastic Models of the Glass Transition

D. H. Torchinsky, J. A. Johnson and K. A. Nelson

16Interplay between Fragility and Glass Dynamics


Tullio Scopigno and Daniele Cangialosi



Reprint 16-1: Is the Fragility of a Liquid Embedded in the Properties of its Glass


T. Scopigno, G. Ruocco, F. Sette and G. Monaco



Reprint 16-2: Universal Relation between Viscous Flow and Fast Dynamics in Glass-forming Materials


T. Scopigno, D. Cangialosi and G. Ruocco



17Fragility and Cooperative Motion in Polymer Glass Formation


Francis W. Starr, Paul Z. Hanakata, Beatriz A.



Pazmi~no Betancourt, Srikanth Sastry and Jack F. Douglas



18Geometric Frustration is Strong in Model Fragile Glassformers


Patrick C. Royall, Alex Malins, Andrew J. Dunleavy and Rhiannon Pinney



19Polydispersity, Antiplasticization and its E ect on Fragility

Sarika Maitra Bhattacharyya



Reprint 19-1: Energy Landscape, Antiplasticization, and Polydispersity Induced Crossover of Heterogeneity in Supercooled Polydisperse Liquids


S. E. Abraham, S. M. Bhattacharrya and B. Bagchi



20Role of Intermediate-Range Order in Predicting the Fragility of Network-Forming Liquids Near the Rigidity Transition


David L. Sidebottom and Stanley E. Schnell



Reprint 20-1: Role of Intermediate-range Order in Predicting the Fragility of Network-forming Liquids Near the Rigidity Transition

D. L. Sidebottom and S. E. Schnell



21Representation of the Fragility Parameter based on Volumetric Data in the Power Law Density Scaling Regime


Andrzej Grzybowski and Marian Paluch



Reprint 21{1: Pressure Coe cient of the Glass Transition Temperature in the Thermodynamic Scaling Regime


K. Koperwas, A. Grzybowski, K. Grzybowska, Z. Wojnarowska,



J. Pionteck, A. P. Sokolov and M. Paluch



Reprint 21{2: Activation Volume in the Density Scaling Regime: Equation of State and its Test by Using Experimental and Simulation Data


A. Grzybowski, K. Koperwas, A. Swiety-Pospiech, K. Grzybowska and M. Paluch

22Supercritical Water: Percolation Transitions and a Colloidal


Leslie V. Woodcock

23Microrheology of Supercooled Liquids in Terms of a ContinuousTime Random Walk

Carsten F. E. Schroer and Andreas Heuer

Reprint 23-1: Microrheology of Supercooled Liquids in Terms of a Continuous Time Random Walk

C. F. E. Schroer and A. Heuer

24Heterogeneities of the Metastable Supercooled State of a Simple Liquid Near Tc: A Density Functional Study

Leishangthem Premkumar and Shankar P. Das

25Does the Two-Level Tunneling Systems Model of Low-Temperature Glasses Describe Real Systems?

Yuri G. Vainer, Andrei V. Naumov, Yaroslav I. Sobolev and Lothar Kador

26Atomistic Theory of the Shear Band Direction in Amorphous Solids

Ashwin J., Oleg Gendelman, Itamar Procaccia and Carmel Shor